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Ephemeral Pass

Improve UX of 2FA wallet

2FA wallet

MoonChute offers a robust two-factor authentication (2FA) wallet system that leverages account abstraction to enhance asset security.

To perform any action on MoonChute’s 2FA smart wallet — be it transferring 10 USDC to a friend or initiating an NFT listing — you require both a signature from the corresponding EOA private key and a designated two-factor authentication method (either email or passkey).

However, this robust security measure can occasionally interfere with user experience. So, how can we uphold stringent security standards without compromising on UX? The solution lies in the Ephemeral Pass.

Seamless UX with Ephemeral Pass

2FA wallet with Ephemeral Pass

Ephemeral Pass serves as a smart account plugin that allows account holders to conduct transactions using a passkey for a limited time period. With Ephemeral Pass, you can strike a balance between stringent security measures and a seamless user interface. Here are three advantages of utilizing Ephemeral Pass:

  1. Seamless user experience

    Forget about juggling seed phrases and private keys; all you need is a passkey authenticated by your Touch ID or Face ID to dive into the web3 realm.

  2. Preserving security

    Given its time-limited nature, Ephemeral Pass does not compromise the foundational security of your smart account, as the account still requires two-factor authentication after the pass expires.

  3. No another smart account deployment

    Ephemeral Pass functions as a smart account plugin to your existing smart account, so there's no need to deploy another account and transfer assets to take advantage of passkey-enabled transactions.

In the following section, we will guide you through the process of setting up your own Ephemeral Pass.